Curriculum Aims
To create:
- Ambitious students who enjoy learning, and make better than expected progress.
- Confident, culturally aware individuals who are able to form healthy and respectful relationships underpinned by our values.
- Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
Strategic Intent
Our curriculum intent
- We want students to know how to be effective communicators. We want them to be able to write successfully in a range of contexts, and know how to be effective orators, knowing how to debate, to develop an argument and a discourse.
- We want them to know how to solve problems using metacognitive strategies and to become independent learners.
- We want each student to have a broad range of declarative and procedural knowledge in relation to various subject areas. Competence in the core building blocks of these subjects will give students confidence and they will have the courage to use their knowledge appropriately and effectively.
- We want students to become resilient by developing the 7 Cs of resilience (competence, confidence, character, choice not chance, coping, contribution, communication), to know how to form healthy, respectful relationships, to have positive mental health, to be inclusive, culturally aware and to become responsible members of society.
- We want students to be ambitious and engage in a range of enrichment opportunities increasing their cultural capital, This will help them to develop and flourish as well-rounded individuals.
- In a nutshell we want confident, respectful, young people who have a good character and good skill set which enables them to progress to the next phase of education or into the world of work and prepares them for their adult lives.
Curriculum Rationale
Progress is planned for across a 5-year programme.
We maximise exposure to English, maths and science whilst retaining and a varied curriculum offer including the humanities, languages, sport and the arts.
Additional time is given to English, maths and science to ensure that students have the necessary skills to compete in the world of work.
Learning programmes support transition and effectively induct students into secondary school life.
We offer support and challenge helping students to progress beyond national expectations.
The curriculum is forever evolving to reflect the needs of our learners and to provide them with the essential skills needed in the 21st century.
We are student focused; there are no limits for outstanding learning and outstanding achievement.
We have high expectations of students, high aspirations for them and demonstrate complete belief in them.
To see an overview of our Curriculum across all the year groups please click on the individual subjects below. For further information about the curriculum please contact Miss Brealey via e-mail;
Curriculum Offer
Our approach to the curriculum complies with our equality objectives and pays due regard to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 as all students have equal opportunity to study any area of the academy curriculum to the level that best suits their ability. We encourage all to not only take a full and active part in lessons but also ensure all students have equal opportunity to participate in our enrichment opportunities.
Click here to view our KS4 Curriculum
The curriculum provided at Charles Read Academy is broad, balanced and challenging, to enable all of our children to successfully compete in the world of work.
During Year 9 students will make their GCSE options choices. This is an exciting time of the year where students will, often for the first time, have the opportunity to shape their curriculum. They will study their KS4 curriculum during Y10 and Year 11.
Core & foundation KS3 Curriculum Subjects
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Geography
- History
- French
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Theatre Dance
- Drama
- Music
- Food
- Art
Year 9 Options Offer
Academic Year 2023/2024
Options Letter 2024
download_for_offlineOptions Letter 2024
Curriculum Maps
More information to follow regarding CRA's Sex and Relationship Policy and PSHCE Curriculum.
If you would prefer your child not to receive RSE you can find a link to our parental consent form here:
Travel & Tourism
Year 9 Options
Year 9 Options Literature
A copy of the letter sent to parents can be found by clicking below: