The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Charles Read Academy

We seek to broaden the horizons of each and everyone of our students encouraging academic excellence and transferable life skills enabling all to become effective members of our 21st century society.

Aqua retain indoor rowing crown


Last Friday,  60 plus students from across all year groups went head to head in the house indoor rowing competition. Linking to the DRET wide ‘Rowvember’ initiative Aqua, Caeli and Terra took each other on in a series of relay races. Each tutor group had 4 students representing their respective houses in year group relay races. Aqua pipped Terra to the finish line by 1 single point to claim a much needed victory to close the gap on the overall Totaliser. Caeli finished in 3rd place picking up 50 house points.