House Christmas Party
On Thursday, KS3 & KS4 students took part in the House Christmas Party. Due to recent government guidelines the Christmas party was split into two sittings to allow more space and seat students in their own tutor groups. 240 students and staff sat down for Christmas lunch before taking part in a variety of Christmas themed party games including bingo and dressing Heads of Houses as a snowman. Students also took to the stage to sing their favourite Christmas songs, creating a festive atmosphere in the hall.
House points were awarded to the Top 3 Christmas Trees which tutor groups had been working extremely hard on in the build up to the event. Tutor groups were tasked to create a themed tree, using self-made decorations. Each tree was fantastic and it was difficult to separate the top 3 but following some tough decisions it was Caeli 10 ‘who stole Christmas’ with their Grinch themed tree which was crowned winner. Terra 11 and Their Gratitude tree came 2nd place and Aqua 10 with their Eco friendly tree finished in 3rd place. Well done to everyone who took part.
Terra consolidate their position in top spot of the House Championship going into the Christmas holidays. Well over 50% of the academy have represented their house already this academic year with so many more exciting competitions to come. Caeli have closed the gap considerably following victories in the Dodgeball, Christmas Tree and Attendance competitions leaving the race for the house championship still in their grasp heading in to the new year. Aqua had another solid term and remain in 2nd place overall – victory in the Indoor Rowing and consistent 2nd place positions across a number of competitions keep them well in the hunt for the championship and retaining their title.