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Charles Read Academy

We seek to broaden the horizons of each and everyone of our students encouraging academic excellence and transferable life skills enabling all to become effective members of our 21st century society.

Epic ‘Lip Sync’ Battle as Caeli Claim Victory


The final house competition of the year was one that everyone at Charles Read Academy was excited for, Lip Sync Battle. Students and staff in Aqua, Caeli and Terra teamed up within their houses to take to the stage and collaboratively perform their chosen song to a packed out audience.

Each house team really went above and beyond to create an entertaining performance for the audience by organising auditions and rehearsals in the build up to the event. Students and staff sacrificed a number of lunch times to practise their choreography and even used a number of props and costumes to add to their performances.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable event and a great ending to a fantastic House Championship. Due to the relaxation of COVID restrictions we were able to increase the number of students and staff in the audience who created a really fun and enjoyable atmosphere; singing and dancing along to each of the songs.

Heads of House; Mr Thornton (Aqua), Miss Canny (Caeli) and Miss Robinson (Terra) were fantastic role models who led by example by taking front stage roles within their performances. Heads of House really embraced the opportunity to inspire all students within their houses teams by displaying confidence and courage to stand up on stage and perform.

Following three enthralling performances, Mrs Jones, the Principal at CRA and the House Games Master had the difficult job of judging 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. After some deliberation it was agreed the winning performance was ‘Cake By The Ocean’ performed by Caeli House. It was a tight decision as each performance was engaging, enjoyable and had so much energy. Well done to Terra and Aqua who finished 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Aqua’s chosen song was Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey. Caeli’s chosen song was Cake By The Ocean by DNCE and Terra selected Hall of Fame by The Script.

The show wasn’t over there as students and staff were treated to a surprise performance by the CRA Senior Leadership Team (SLT); Mrs Jones, Miss King, Mr Lovatt and Mr Drumm. Dressed in full costume and a well-choreographed routine, SLT performed ‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA to a chorus of cheers from the audience in the hall.

Well done to everyone who played their part in each of the performances.