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Charles Read Academy

We seek to broaden the horizons of each and everyone of our students encouraging academic excellence and transferable life skills enabling all to become effective members of our 21st century society.

Halloween House Results


Over half term students and staff at Charles Read Academy took part in a series of Halloween themed house competitions, including Pumpkin Carving, best Halloween costume and a family quiz. There were a number of fantastic entries across all 3 houses which made judging extremely difficult.


Pumpkin Carving


It was great to invite pupils from Corby Glen Primary School to judge the pumpkin carving entries on Monday where they also took part in an afternoon of Halloween themed biscuit decoration with our food teacher Mrs Moore. Pupils were provided with a voting card and were required to select their favourite pumpkin carving from each house. Once the top entry from each house was selected the children then voted on 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The judging was really close with the top 3 narrowed down to entries from Beth (Aqua 11), Millie (Caeli 10) and Charlie (Terra 7) and after a final round of voting Charlies ‘Pennywise’ pumpkin carving was voted as the winner for Terra.


Special mention to Mrs Garton (Caeli) who was the winner of the staff category with her Harry Potter themed design, earning 20 house points for Caeli.


Best Halloween Costume


There were some fantastic Halloween costumes on display this year as students and staff got in the spirit to dress up. Despite tougher competition it was Phoebe (Terra 8) who for the second year running claimed victory with her ‘Nun’ inspired costume (see image). Phoebe went all out for the full effect by finding the perfect location to complete her costume entry. Well done to Michelle (Caeli 8) who finished runner up and Nichola, Cara and Star (all in Aqua 9) who finished 3rd with their joint entry.


Special mention to Mrs Dexter (Terra) who was the winner of the staff category, earning 10 house points for Terra.