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Charles Read Academy

We seek to broaden the horizons of each and everyone of our students encouraging academic excellence and transferable life skills enabling all to become effective members of our 21st century society.

House Christmas Party

Over 230 students and staff at Charles Read Academy joined together to celebrate the final house event of 2019. The afternoon of Friday 13th December saw Charles Reads 3 house teams, Aqua, Caeli and Terra celebrate the house Christmas party as one community. House points were on offer through a range of competitions and activities throughout the afternoon, including the form group Christmas trees, Christmas jumpers and house Christmas songs.

Throughout December each form group was provided with a Christmas tree which they decorated and presented at the Christmas Party. Form groups worked together to share ideas of how to best decorate the tree, create decorations and decide on a theme. Each form proudly entered the Banquet hall and presented their trees before sitting down together for a delicious Christmas lunch and Christmas songs. During Lunch the GamesMaster and Principal, Mrs Jones carried out judging of the trees. It was an extremely difficult decision and following deliberation Caeli 9 and their ‘Grateful’ themed tree was awarded as winner. Terra came 2nd with their innovative and creative designs including Terra 10s ‘Reading’ themed tree, Terra 8s ‘Cooking’ themed tree and Terra 11s ‘career aspiration’ themed tree. Aqua 7 finished 3rd with an excellently designed ‘Gratitude’ themed tree which included personal messages of gratitude from each student in the form group.

After lunch the atmosphere really got going with students getting in the spirit to take part in some Christmas Karaoke. Year 7 students Jasmin, Erin and Rihanna confidently performed ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen which was an extremely popular choice with everyone in the hall, who joined in, raising the noise levels. Following Karaoke students played some Christmas Bingo with Jake in year 7 winning and picking up a prize.

The next activity saw Mr Thornton (Aqua), Miss Canny (Caeli) and Miss Parkin (Terra) take to stage as house captains raced to dress them as snowmen. Students had a range of clothing, toilet roll and a carrot to dress their teacher as a snowman as quickly as possible. Excitement increased in the hall as students chanted their house teams on and after close race it was Aqua and Mr Thornton who was the best snowman.

The final activity of the afternoon saw each house perform a Christmas song. Aqua performed ‘Merry Christmas Everybody’ by Slade, Terra performed ‘I wish it could be Christmas everyday’ and Caeli performed ‘Simply having a wonderful Christmas Time’ by Paul McCartney.

The final bonus points of the afternoon were awarded to students and staff with the best Christmas Jumpers. There were a number of excellent jumpers on show and after another difficult decision year 11 Max (Aqua) was named winner. 2nd place was awarded to Murphy (Terra) and 3rd place went to Mrs Thorpe (Caeli).