The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Charles Read Academy

We seek to broaden the horizons of each and everyone of our students encouraging academic excellence and transferable life skills enabling all to become effective members of our 21st century society.

Primary Outreach

CRA hosted the Primary Sport Stars Football competition which saw over 50 local children represent local primary schools in the area. Our primary sports outreach programme works with 5-7 local primary schools by delivering termly competitions, coaching and shares any sporting opportunities such as athlete visits and the like.

We ran an Easter Sports camp on Tuesday 9th& Wednesday 10th April at Charles Read. More than 35 children in years 3-6 attended.

On the last day of the spring term, four students visited Ingoldsby Academy to take part in a Gymnastic coaching session with London 2012 Bronze Medallist, Kristian Thomas.  They had a wonderful time and are pictured here.