Staff face fears in ‘Im a Teacher Get Me Out of Here’ House Competition
10 members of staff at Charles Read Academy took on 4 gruelling trails in our very own version of ITVs hit show Im a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. In front of a packed hall of excited students, staff showcased Courage and Resilience to overcome 4 trials; Jacobs Critters, Bush Banquet, It’s a Matter of Slime and the dreaded CRA Shake. Jacobs Critters saw a member of staff in each house race to consume 3 crackers covered in critters for the chance of earning 10 house points which was won by Aqua Head of House Mr Thornton. The Bush Banquet involved staff complete a canapé, starter and main consisting of snails, tongue, Brussel snouts and our very own Margher-critter pizza. For each dish completed staff earn their respective houses 10-25 house points.
The final 2 trials, just a matter of slime and the dreaded CRA Shake, saw staff earn points by bobbing for banana peels in tubs of slime before a race to consume a critter packed smoothie. Fantastic effort from all staff who played their part.