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Charles Read Academy

We seek to broaden the horizons of each and everyone of our students encouraging academic excellence and transferable life skills enabling all to become effective members of our 21st century society.

Staff face fears in ‘Im a Teacher Get Me Out of Here’ House Competition


10 members of staff at Charles Read Academy took on 4 gruelling trails in our very own version of ITVs hit show Im a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. In front of a packed hall of excited students, staff showcased Courage and Resilience to overcome 4 trials; Jacobs Critters, Bush Banquet, It’s a Matter of Slime and the dreaded CRA Shake. Jacobs Critters saw a member of staff in each house race to consume 3 crackers covered in critters for the chance of earning 10 house points which was won by Aqua Head of House Mr Thornton. The Bush Banquet involved staff complete a canapé, starter and main consisting of snails, tongue, Brussel snouts and our very own Margher-critter pizza. For each dish completed staff earn their respective houses 10-25 house points.


The final 2 trials, just a matter of slime and the dreaded CRA Shake, saw staff earn points by bobbing for banana peels in tubs of slime before a race to consume a critter packed smoothie. Fantastic effort from all staff who played their part.