The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Charles Read Academy

We seek to broaden the horizons of each and everyone of our students encouraging academic excellence and transferable life skills enabling all to become effective members of our 21st century society.

Year 6 Master Class


During the last two weeks CRA have held Masterclasses specifically targeted at Year 6 students who are aiming for Greater Depth of the Key Stage 2 standard. 

The sessions were carefully designed by Mr Young and Mrs Smith, and included consultation with Primary teachers and specialists, ensuring that the content would be engaging and challenging.

Each day consisted of Math and English sessions, that explored key areas that would stretch and challenge students and prepare them to be able to reach the requirements to achieve Greater Depth at KS2 SATS.

We invited 7 local primary schools to attend over the 2 days, seeing a total of 68 Year 6 students experience the first ever CRA Masterclass event.

During the Math sessions students worked through questions from the SATS Reasoning papers, including topics such as Algebra, Geometry and Measure and Statistics. 

While in English they explored varying texts, compared authors, and analysed the impact that grammar and punctuation can have on the text’s meaning.

Each day ended with a Question and Answer session, providing an opportunity for students and their staff to feedback on the event. Questionnaires were given and we asked for honest feedback, enabling us to look at any areas that may need revising for future sessions.

We received some fantastic feedback, some of which you can read below:

"The day was amazing. I learnt so much! I would recommend this! 10 out of 10." 

"Very nice staff and overall a very enjoyable day! Maybe do a few other subjects. Loved it, thanks!" 

"I enjoyed my day at this school and I would recommend this school to people." 

And even some from staff: 

"The staff were extremely enthusiastic and said that it was a great day, the content was fantastic and can they come next Monday!" 

"A great day, look forward to attending more."

Safe to say that the Masterclasses have been a great success and we look forward to hosting such events in the future.

Mrs Dexter
Transition Lead & HLTA