The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Charles Read Academy

We seek to broaden the horizons of each and everyone of our students encouraging academic excellence and transferable life skills enabling all to become effective members of our 21st century society.

Year 7 Art Club

In the Art Dept, we run an informal Art Club three times a week at lunchtimes. I have a committed bunch of Year 7 students now who are all crazy about art and who I have been teaching some fun and surprising things about how colour behaves – and misbehaves – when we play around with it. In this last two terms, we will start to look more closely at how to draw and paint the human head. This will prepare these talented students for their GCSE work and give them a head start with skills and techniques.

We are really lucky – there are a bunch of students who adore the visual arts and are a joy to teach – great times for the Art Department!”

Mr A Parker

Teacher of Art