The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Charles Read Academy

We seek to broaden the horizons of each and everyone of our students encouraging academic excellence and transferable life skills enabling all to become effective members of our 21st century society.

Parent Information

At Charles Read Academy, we believe that a strong partnership with parents and carers is vital to success.

A regular programme of Parents’ Evenings exists, as well as KS4 Study Skills Evenings, where parents and carers have the opportunity to meet with their child’s subject teachers to discuss academic progress and receive pastoral updates as well as be involved in the dialogue about their child and what they can do to improve both in school and at home. We also have our MCAS system that all parents and carers have access to which we use to ensure you have all the relevant information regarding your child as well as what is happening at the academy and we regularly update our Twitter on daily academy life, as well as all the latest news from the house student. We hold a termly Parent Forum, where we welcome feedback and ideas, and actively encourage our parents and carers to be a part of our school community.

We ask that as parents you work with us to ensure that the messages we give out regarding excellent attendance and behaviour, as well as behaviour for learning be reinforced at home to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students.  We also ask that parents talk to their children about their academic progress and quiz them on what they are learning to retrieve information and embed knowledge outside the classroom; also that parents and carers support the academy in ensuring their child is fully equipped for school, having their CRA6 at all times, as well as other equipment or ingredients as necessary and also the correct uniform to be ready to learn.

Our Values   

Our CRA values underpin everything we do as an academy and hope that parents and carers support their child and the academy in promoting these values at home also:      

  • Confidence                 
  • Resilience                             
  • Aspiration                
  • Courage
  • Respect
  • Ambition

Our Traits

We believe that having positive learning habits are at the heart of positive learning experiences, so we encourage our students to demonstrate the following CRA Traits:

  • Track the teacher     
  • Track the speaker            
  • Respond like a scholar                          
  • Annotate and Make Notes              
  • Inform the teacher if you don’t understand
  • Think for Progress
  • Sit up straight and listen 

At CRA, we believe every student is entitled to Disruption Free Learning, every minute, every lesson, every day.

Teacher Expectations

To support our students in their learning, we have the following teacher expectations:

  • Teachers will plan for progression for all, providing a knowledge-rich curriculum which leads to mastery of knowledge over the long term
  • Teachers will model to ensure all students know what success looks like at each step
  • Teachers will give students opportunity to practise with guidance and support
  • Teachers will carefully plan opportunities for questioning
  • Teachers will provide opportunities for students to develop their spoken and written language
  • Teachers will produce homework knowledge organisers
  • Teachers will use 3,2,1 method to ensure all students are silent and ready to listen
  • Teachers will check uniform is correct and students have the CRA6 -– 2 black pens, 1 purple pen, ruler, rubber, pencil
  • Teachers will use our behaviour system of warn, move, remove
  • Staff should provide structured pastoral support to students throughout their time at the academy
  • Staff will enable students to broaden their horizons through the provision of excellent opportunities
  • Teachers and staff should respond promptly to parental communication
  • Staff will model professional behaviours and dress
  • Staff will follow all academy- and trust-wide policies and procedures

KS4 Performance Data 2022-23

The Department for Education (DfE) produces school performance tables annually with all secondary schools in the UK represented. The End of Key Stage 4 Progress 8 Score is how the DfE benchmark schools nationally, based on performance and their characteristics.
On Thursday 19 October 2023, the DfE official provisional Performance Data 2023 was published, and we are delighted to announce that the 2023 Progress Score for Charles Read Academy is +0.6. This compares with a Lincolnshire average of +0.02 and a national average of -0.03.
Charles Read Academy is also:
  • The fifth highest ranking school in Lincolnshire out of all schools (grammar and non-selective schools) 
  • In the top 5% of all schools nationally 
  • The third highest performing non-selective secondary school in Lincolnshire 
  • Performing well above national average
The link for all secondary schools in Lincolnshire and how you can compare is shown here:

Bromcom Pay (MCAS Pay)

Bromcom Pay is our cashless system. You can use this to top up your child's lunch account and pay for any school trips or equipment such as revision guides. If you need more information, for example retrieving your account details or setting a child up on MCAS for the first time, please contact the school office on 01476 550 333


Charles Read Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people. Providing a safe environment for all our students, staff and visitors is at the upmost importance to us.

Our Safeguarding Team


Safeguarding Team (ID 1008)


Safeguarding Information

Designated Safeguarding Leads are Charlie King, Sue Jones and Jon Hassall. Please see Jon Hassall in the first instance. The appointed Safeguarding Governor is Clare Greenhalgh 

You must have your visitor pass on you at all times so that all staff and students can recognise you as a visitor. You must make sure that you sign in at the main reception in order to have access to the school and be issued with a visitor badge.

For any first aid requirements, please make sure to speak to a member of staff on site.

If you are on the premises and the fire alarm sounds, you must exit the building via your nearest fire exit and make your way to the fire assembly point on the 3G pitch where you will receive further instructions.

Toilets are located by the office, down the main corridor opposite the staff room.

Taking photographs during your visit to the academy is not permitted.  Should you wish to take photographs express permission must be obtained from the Principal of the setting.

Local Safeguarding Authority

Lincolnshire Children’s Social care

Referrals to children care 01522 782111

LCC Stay Safe Directory

LCC have added a new element to the Stay Safe Directory called Advice for Parents and Carers the link is below.

Please do have a look at the wealth of resources and support available to you during this period of remote learning.

Key information

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table. 

 KS4 Performance Data - 2022-23

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table.

School Performance Data 2022-23 

 Ofsted & Parent View

Our latest Ofsted report can be found here.

 Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

Parent Documents & Letters

Parent Documents

Show list Show Grid

Transport Timetables 2023-2024


Parent Letters 2022 - 2023

    Academic Year 2023/2024

    Term Dates